Detached Boy Mom behavior from Venus. Can't just fuckin talk to her kid, she's gotta make it a production 😔
Can't wait for Dido, though. I haven't read The Aeneid before but one of my favorite operas is Dido and Aeneas so I'm interested in seeing how it plays out here.
Aeneid Daily hivemind help me out: Dido's backstory is one of my fave parts but personal theories on what's going on w "factumque diu celavit, et aegram, multa malus simulans, vana spe lusit amantem"? every time I read this I'm like. What does one say to hide that someone's beloved husband is dead for that long
Detached Boy Mom behavior from Venus. Can't just fuckin talk to her kid, she's gotta make it a production 😔
Can't wait for Dido, though. I haven't read The Aeneid before but one of my favorite operas is Dido and Aeneas so I'm interested in seeing how it plays out here.
"impius ante aras, atque auri caecus amore" great job on the alliteration baby
"fama super aethera notus" calm down
"Quid natum totiens, crudelis tu quoque, falsis
ludis imaginibus? Cur dextrae iungere dextram
non datur, ac veras audire et reddere voces?" family never gets easy, does it
Aeneid Daily hivemind help me out: Dido's backstory is one of my fave parts but personal theories on what's going on w "factumque diu celavit, et aegram, multa malus simulans, vana spe lusit amantem"? every time I read this I'm like. What does one say to hide that someone's beloved husband is dead for that long
perhaps he was in traffic
Ah yes. the true motivation for his wife's future in urban planning